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Safety Insurance: Preparing for Natural Disasters and Weather Emergencies

Natural disasters are the effect of natural hazards, such as avalanches, blizzards, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and wildfires. These unexpected events lead to financial, environmental loss, as well as loss of animal and human life.

Natural disasters can occur due to an individual's lack of preparedness, which leaves them vulnerable to uncontrollable forces. A natural hazard distinctly means a natural phenomenon that has not resulted in significant damage or loss of life. Some key points of preparedness involve securing one's home, developing an evacuation plan, and storing enough food and water to survive long periods of tumultuous activity.


  • NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation: Provides an overview of avalanches, as well as how to avoid getting caught in one and what steps to take if an avalanche should happen to you.
  • The State of Colorado: Public Preparedness Information: Avalanches: Colorado leads the nation's highest percentage of avalanche fatalities. Most of these fatalities occur in the “back-country” area outside of the regularly maintained ski slopes. The public can avoid avalanche risks altogether by paying close attention to three important variables: a steep incline, snow instability, and weather intensity.
  • Washington Military Department: Avalanche Preparedness: A recommended safety guide detailing important steps to implement an avalanche preparedness program, including a vehicle and personal survival kit. This guide also features the North American Avalanche Danger chart to help notify surrounding visitors of potential threats.
  • The State of California: Snow, Ice, and Avalanche: An online planning and preparedness guide for surrounding residents and tourists with plans to ski. This guide will equip these residents and tourists with the ability to recognize when an avalanche will occur and the proper methods to escape the chaos.
  • The State of Idaho: Bureau of Homeland Security: Family Emergency Plan: This brief comprehensive guide offers tips and suggestions for building and maintaining a family emergency plan for residents and tourists within the state of Idaho.



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