New York Life Insurance Increases 2012 Donations
New York Life Insurance and their New York Life Foundation has always prioritized their charitable donations, but they have announced that for 2012 they plan on doing more. Their budget for charitable giving in 2012 is $13.5 million which is a 5% increase over the 2011 budget of $12.9 million. They are looking to increase their support for programs that benefit today's youth with a focus on childhood bereavement and educational opportunities.
In addition to their 2012 budget, New York Life Foundation is making a commitment to childhood bereavement specifically through $3.25 million in 2013. Their continuing commitments to these efforts brings more than $13 million in funds to support this important issue that often gets overlooked. This was added as a focus back in 2008 and has really picked up in the last few years.
Chris Park, the president of the New York Life Foundation points out how gratifying it is to increase funding once again for their passions. During these tough economic times, the demand for nonprofit programs and services grows steadily. The fact that New York Life continues to prioritize their philanthropic efforts shows how important the cause truly is to their company. It's important not only to the company and their customers, but the communities in which they serve reap great benefits by receiving these programs with open arms.